Can You Give a Baby Gas Drops and Gripe Water
Gas and tummy troubles are almost par-for-the-course in newborns and babies because of their immature digestive systems. And parents desperate to find some form of relief for their tiny new arrivals often have gripe water recommended by their pediatrician as one potential remedy to try.
But what exactly is gripe water, how well does it work to relieve gas bubbles and is it safe for your little one? Here's what you should know about using gripe water for newborns and babies, plus how it stacks up against other common baby gas remedies.
What is gripe water?
Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs (like fennel, ginger, chamomile, dill, lemon balm or peppermint, depending on the formula).
Along with claims that it eases gas pains and other stomach problems, gripe water is also marketed as a remedy for teething pain, hiccups and sometimes even colic, among other common baby issues.
But while plenty of parents swear by the stuff, there's not much hard evidence that gripe water actually does soothe troubled little tummies.
Still, believers say some of the ingredients in gripe water formulas, including dill, fennel and ginger, can help relieve gas and stomach discomfort (and in turn may be beneficial for infants with colic, which is thought to be caused at least in part by gas in certain cases).
Some experts think gripe water might be effective at soothing fussy babies simply because it tastes sweet.
It's worth noting that gripe water is different than over-the-counter baby gas drops. These drops contain simethicone, an anti-foaming agent that breaks up bubbles in the digestive tract, which can help gas pass.
Like gripe water, gas drops aren't proven to be effective. But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says they're a safe option to try, and they're unlikely to cause any potential side effects.
How does gripe water work?
The original gripe water, first used by nannies and moms in England in the 1850s, contained alcohol — which people used to think relaxed babies (now we know that giving any alcohol to a baby can be toxic).
Today experts don't fully understand how gripe water might help soothe tummy troubles, but it's thought that ingredients like dill, fennel and ginger can help with gas relief and stomach discomfort.
If you'd like to give it a try, be sure to get the green light from your baby's pediatrician first to make sure that he or she is on board with giving gripe water.
If you get your doctor's approval, consider using gripe water only as a backup when other gas relief methods — like abdominal massage, tummy time or leg bicycling — don't seem to be making your baby more comfortable.
You should also have your doctor confirm that the brand you're using is okay, since gripe water products aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Check the packaging for specific dosing instructions and get your pediatrician's approval first about how much and how often to give it to your baby. The general limit is four doses a day, but only under the care of your practitioner.
If your doctor says gripe water is fine for your baby and it seems to work, you should stop using it by the time your little one is 4 to 6 months old, when gassiness typically becomes less of an issue.
Decoding Crying
Are there side effects of gripe water?
Some parents notice that their babies seem drowsier after a dose of gripe water. But does gripe water actually make babies sleepy? Probably not.
The more likely scenario is that all that fussing tires babies out, to the point where they eventually end up falling asleep — whether they're given gripe water or not.
Aside from the potential snoozefest, it's worth watching for possible allergies. While gripe water isn't likely to cause an allergic reaction, as with any new food or drink you introduce to your little one, you should still be on the lookout for symptoms of an allergy such as hives, itchiness, watery eyes, vomiting or diarrhea. Call your doctor if you see any of these signs in your baby.
More serious allergy symptoms like swelling of the lips or tongue and trouble swallowing or breathing can be life-threatening and warrant a call to 911 right away.
Is gripe water safe for newborns?
It depends on the specific brand and ingredients. You should always ask your doctor for a recommendation for gripe water and any other remedy you're thinking of giving your baby.
Gripe water made with alcohol definitely isn't safe, and other formulas, including those labeled "natural" or "homeopathic" (depending on where they're made and what's in them), contain a variety of other ingredients that may be unsafe or untested.
Gripe water made with sucrose, while not dangerous, might not be the best choice either. Sugar has the potential to harm your baby's gums or emerging teeth. Plus, you don't want to get your baby used to being soothed with sweets. So always check with your doctor first about a specific brand and kind of gripe water. If it doesn't work, let him or her know.
And remember, even if you do try gripe water as a remedy for digestive troubles with your pediatrician's approval, it should never be given in large quantities to a baby or used as a dietary substitute. Infants this age should be fed breast milk or formula (or a combination of the two) only.
How to give gripe water to a baby
If your doctor does suggest a kind of gripe water that's safe for baby, follow these tips:
- Read the ingredients carefully. Look out for vegetable carbon (a type of charcoal that is sometimes labeled as carbo vegetabilis), as it may cause constipation. Only buy brands that are alcohol- and sucrose-free and made in the U.S.
- Read the instructions. The ingredients in gripe water brands vary, and most have different instructions for use. So before tearing open the box, make sure to read the label carefully (and again, ask your pediatrician about brands, dosing and use before giving it to your little one). Some brands recommend waiting until your baby is at least 1 month old before use. And almost every brand varies when it comes to how long you should use the product, so be sure to read up and get sound medical advice before you dole out doses.
Alternatives to gripe water
If you're not completely comfortable using gripe water to relieve your child's symptoms and calm those cries, here are some other things you can do:
- Try antigas drops. Antigas drops may work better for your baby than gripe water. Ask your pediatrician whether you should try these drops, whose active ingredient is simethicone (which breaks up gas bubbles). Mylicon and Little Remedies are among the most common brands, but as always, check with the doctor for a recommendation first.
- Do a formula check. If your gas-prone baby has just started on formula, try a ready-to-feed or concentrated variety instead of a powder mix. The reason: All that shaking and stirring generates bubbles that could unsettle baby's delicate tummy. If she loves her powder formula and you don't want to switch, take an extra minute or two after mixing to make sure the formula has settled before feeding. A quick cure for some overly gassy, fussy babies could be a simple switch from using standard cow's milk formula to using one that doesn't contain cow's milk or one that's antigas and especially for sensitive tummies. Since only an estimated 1 to 3 percent of babies and young children are allergic to cow's milk, it's best to talk to your child's pediatrician to determine if your baby really does have a dairy allergy or sensitivity before switching formulas (and getting a recommendation for a different one to try). Also steer clear of casein-hydrolyzed formula or partially hydrolyzed formulas, since there is little evidence they work.
- Slow the flow. To keep gas out of baby's tummy, try tipping the bottle so formula or breast milk completely fills the nipple and replaces unwanted air bubbles. If that doesn't seem to help, check with your pediatrician about swapping your baby's bottle for one designed to prevent trapped bubbles, such as one with a collapsible bag inside, or with a more flexible or angled nipple. The goal is to try to reduce the amount of air baby gulps while she enjoys her liquid meal. Burping after feedings can help minimize air bubbles too.
- Give an infant massage. A nice, relaxing rubdown can be a soothing way to calm a fussy infant and ease gas pain. It's also a great opportunity for Mommy or Daddy to bond with baby.
- Swaddle away. Wrap up your little one snugly in a warm blanket. Try rocking and dancing while holding her in your arms for an extra soothing sensation.
- Apply tummy pressure. Some gassy (and colicky) babies find relief when pressure is placed on their bellies. To do this, simply lie your baby down with her head on one knee and tummy on the other, or sitting up on your lap with her tummy against your hand, and then gently rub or pat her back. Or lie her on a blanket or the bed on her back and rub her tummy gently with one hand. Another idea recommended by the AAP is to try some tummy time. While you still want to make sure your baby sleeps on her back both at night and for naps, tummy time with Mommy or Daddy while she's awake may help burst some gas bubbles while strengthening those all-important neck and shoulder muscles.
- Bicycle her legs.Sometimes moving your baby's legs around and around in a bicycle-wheel motion helps relieve the gas that might be causing her so much discomfort.
- Mix in a little chamomile tea. Ask your pediatrician first, but doctors sometimes recommend trying to give your baby cool or warm (never hot) chamomile tea through a dropper (or mixing it in her milk if you're bottle-feeding), as it may be somewhat effective at relieving gas pain and colic symptoms (though how well it works is still up for debate). Breastfeeding moms who aren't bottle-feeding are sometimes told to try drinking chamomile tea themselves to relieve baby's gas.
- Probiotics.Another possible remedy to ask your doctor about is probiotic drops, which could reduce gas pain and digestive problems in babies and also quiet their cries. Research has yet to consistently back this up, however.
- Soothe with sounds.Try singing a little song — even if you can't hold a tune to save your life, baby will probably still love it. Calmly humming or whispering "shh" in baby's ear can also do the trick. White noise like that from a fan, a clothes dryer or even a vacuum cleaner can also be comforting to babies, because as with the "shh" sound, the whooshing of those appliances may remind them of the womb.
- If all else fails, do a diet check.If you're breastfeeding your baby, monitor what you may be eating or drinking that could cause digestive problems and discomfort in your newborn. Try omitting common gas culprits like dairy or soy from your repertoire one at a time to see if there's any improvement.
Gripe water options to consider
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Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water
If your LO is crying from colic, Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is a gentle formula that works quickly to remedy pain. This pediatrician-approved gripe water contains 100 percent vegan ingredients, including organic ginger and fennel. The herbal mixture also contains no alcohol or parabens, making it a safer option for instant colic, gas, hiccup and teething relief.
Available from Amazon starting at $18.96
Little Remedies Gripe Water
Little Remedies Gripe Water tackles your baby's stomach discomfort with a soothing formula. Ginger root extract, fennel seed extract and agave vegetable glycerin work together to remedy colic, gas and hiccups. This gluten-free dietary supplement comes with a dispenser as well, so your baby can take it directly if they are having tummy troubles. Plus, this gripe water set comes with two portable bottles that are great for impromptu trips to grandma's house or airplane travel.
Available from Walgreens starting at $10.79
Wellements Organic Nighttime Gripe Water
Getting a good night's sleep is important, but a bout of colic could keep you and your LO up for a while. Wellements Organic Nighttime Gripe Water is designed to ease stomach discomfort symptoms, including gas and hiccups. Organic fennel seed extract, ginger root extract and chamomile flower extract help ease discomfort and improve rest. This formula is also USDA-certified organic and free from artificial colors and preservatives.
Available from Amazon starting at $12.49
Zarabee's Naturals Baby Gripe Water
A powerhouse of natural ingredients (chamomile, fennel and lemon balm) in Zarabee's Naturals Baby Gripe Water help keep stomach troubles at bay. This pediatrician-recommended gripe water can be delivered orally with a syringe and is suitable for babies from 2-weeks-old to 6-months-old. There's also no additives in this gripe water, making it a safer alternative for infant tummy troubles.
Available from Walmart starting at $9.98
Gripe water might be worth trying if your baby is struggling with gas or stomach pain, provided you get the green light from your doctor and pick out a reputable product. But if you're not quite convinced that it's a magic tummy ticket, there are plenty of other soothers to try.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.
Can You Give a Baby Gas Drops and Gripe Water
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